"Chelohi" is an ancient word that means "I am the earth". "Gadugi" means "working together toward a common goal". My journey to a common goal of finding a simpler lifestyle more in harmony with our earth.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
catching up
You know that old saying about the road to hell. Well I had good intentions of staying current w/ this blog, but you know what life happened and it has been busy! So I'm going to do my best to catch up and stay caught up. Went through seeding and got everything up to transplant size. I still have a few tomatoes and peppers to plant and I won't even get into the direct seeding that hasn't been done, but let me focus on what has been done and some of these things I will go into more detail on in separate posts. I got bees, yay! They are doing great and I will discuss them in detail in a separate posts, planted radishes, spring/English peas and am now harvesting them both. Planted buckwheat primarily for the bees and it's blooming, planted spinach and now harvesting, planted corn white Cherokee flour and Floriani would like to plant more, planted scarlet runner beans, Mccaslin pole beans, king of the garden lima beans, Cherokee trail of tears black beans, white rice, Comtesse de Chambord rice beans, rouge d' vif winter squash, Georgia rattlesnake watermelons, moon and stars watermelons, red shallots, several varieties of onions, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, flowers, lions tigers and bears oh, my. I have added 2 new beds and so much more. So let me start separate posts to provide detail on all these goings on.
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