Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Getting in the habit of posting is something that I'm working on . While I have good intentions, the recent birth of second grandson and helping care for him sometimes derails my best intentions. Like everyone else, I'm going through seed catalogs and trying to keep my wants within my budget. I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions, but I do like to set goals. One of my gardening goals this year, is to save more of my own seed so that I can slowly reduce the amount of seed that I have to purchase. I have about 33 varieties of tomatoes, who needs 33 varieties of tomatoes? So, this year the goal with tomatoes is to do several things. Begin reducing the number by selecting those that perform the best and to try grafting to determine whether I can increase productivity on a few of my favorites that may not perform the best in my hot, hot, hot summers. This year was my first to attempt overwintering. I'll post a detailed post with pictures on that process shortly. In the meantime, happy gardening and good luck with your seed choices.

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